EVANGELION: Revelation

Collection 1.1

Episode 27

Wish/”Würfel mit mir, Asuka…”

Blue sky. Clouds. Shinji looked all around him, and all he could see was sky and clouds.

And people.

He recognized them all. Asuka, Ayanami, Misato, his classmates, Maya, Hyuga, Shigeru, Mother. Father. They were all there, clapping.

“Congratulations!” said Asuka.

“Congratulations!” said Maya.

“Congratulations!” said his parents. He had never felt such warmth. Such gratitude. Such kindness.

Like a dagger, a different voice pierced the blanket of warmth that surrounded Shinji. The sky and the people all started to fade. The voice, that of a female, called to him.


No…thought Shinji, pleading with the voice. Not now. Please.


As Shinji opened his eyes, he made out the form of Misato Katsuragi at his bedroom door.

“Oh…hello, Misato…” said Shinji, sluggishly.

“I was just on my way to headquarters and I thought I’d remind you that you might have to come in later tonight for a harmonics test. I’ll call you if you do.”

“Oh…well, thanks…”

After a few seconds of tense silence, Misato spoke up.

“I…well, I heard you talking in your sleep. Are you ok?”

“I’m fine…”

“Because if there’s ever anything you need to talk about…”

Shinji quickly interrupted. “I’m fine.”

Misato considered pressing the issue, but thought against it.

“Well, then I’ll see you later.”

As she walked towards the entryway, she couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt.

All I want to do is help. But since the incident with Nagisa, he’s become sheltered again.

Misato got in her car and tried to start it up. Eventually, the engine turned over.

At least it isn’t as bad as when it happened. He was almost as unresponsive as Asuka…”

Asuka. Shinji’s plight was replaced by that of the Second Child’s. She had been lying comatose in NERV’s special hospital since the 15th Angel had ravaged her mind.

These children have sacrificed more than any of us, she thought.

Probably more than we deserve.

As Sub-commander Fuyutsuki walked into the office of Gendo Ikari, he couldn’t help but notice his coffee had become cold. The half awake Fuyutsuki didn’t appreciate this. He was not a morning person.

Looking up from his cup, he saw Ikari sitting at his desk, hands folded in front of him, the morning light deepening his eyes, making him look even more sinister.

If such a thing were possible, thought Fuyutsuki.

“You said you had news for me?” asked Ikari.

“Yes. There was a vote late last night on whether or not to start with the reconstruction of Tokyo-3.”

“It passed. The Tokyo-3 Reconstruction Agency will be overseeing the different contractors for the duration of the process. It was agreed that we would supervise the reconstruction of the Tokai district.”

“I assume we have agents from Intelligence in the Agency?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Excellent. This once a gain proves that humanity, not some loathsome insect or lizard, is the most resilient species of them all.”

“And the most arrogant…”

“Both of which we may have to prove once again.”


“Recently an archeological team recovered more fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. We were able to intercept them before they returned to Japan with their findings.”

“What have you found?”

“It is…inconclusive at this time.”

“In other words, you just don’t want to tell me.”

“Perhaps.” A long silence ensued, eventually ended by Ikari. “I will tell you this. Times will be harder than before. This is simply the calm in the storm, and we must use it to build up our defenses.

“I understand the Americans have finished the production of Eva Unit 05.”

Fuyutsuki knew where this was going. He just wished it wasn’t so. “Yes,” he said, reluctantly. “but they’re broke because of it. The construction only took 2 months.”

“It is also my understanding that they have found a pilot.”

“Ikari, what about our current pool of candidates? Surely you’d rather pick from that than from a foreign source?”

“Our last two pilots have not worked out, and though they will return eventually, it is not soon enough. Inform the Americans that we will take on Unit 05 and its pilot. Classify him as the 6th Child.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Also, inform Dr. Akagi that she will have to prepare another cage.”

“Of course.”

As Fuyutsuki left to perform the tasks at hand, he asked himself a question he had asked many times before.

Are we really doing the right thing?

Thousands of feet below the surface of Tokyo-3 stood Shinji, attending to what had become a small project and stress reliever of his.

Caring for Kaji’s watermelon plants.

He had found that Kaji had been right about one thing: growing plants was pleasurable. By watering them, eliminating any weeds or pests, and just watching them grow, Shinji felt he had actually accomplished something.

Yet Shinji had been right too. Sometimes a plant would die, insects would damage the plants, or he’d pick a watermelon too early, or too late. This caused him pain, just as he’d expected it would.

As he was watering the plants, he contemplated the dream he’d had the night before.


She was our…teacher?


And cold.

I felt…alone.



Yes, I was in the sky

Surrounded by people…people I knew

They were…saying something…what was it?

There was warmth, then.

And kindness…

What does it all mean?

Shinji sighed. Whenever he tried to interpret his dreams, it always ended up with him being even more confused than before.

Finished with watering, he turned to grab his shovel, stopping to stare at the large pyramid that was NERV headquarters. Turing his attention back to the plants, his thoughts shifted to that of a different matter.

Ritsuko mentioned that there were only seventeen Angels, and… Shinji still couldn’t bring himself to even think Kaworu’s name without bringing back painful memories. …he was the last one…so why do we still need to do tests? Are there more Angels? Do they plan on using them against…people?

Shinji began to remove a weed that had eluded him. Nice and gently as to not harm the roots of the surrounding plants, just as Kaji had shown him.

I would never…could never do it…I’ve hurt too many people already…Toji, his sister…and…

Sighing again, he removed the weed, placing it in the bucket. After grabbing his tools and brushing the dirt from his pants, he turned and walked in the direction of NERV headquarters, making one more stop before heading back to the surface.

In one of the many corridors that NERV consisted of, Mistao was looking for the nearest elevator, a stack of papers in one hand and her 4th cup of coffee in the other.

Turning left, she noticed the walls being a different color than those in the previous corridor.

Must be in one of the reconstructed areas…she thought.

That was not the only thing she noticed. A few feet away was a woman with short, blonde hair and a lab coat.

It couldn’t be…

“Ritsuko?” Misato shouted, to no avail. The woman kept walking.


Misato ran to caught up to her, spilling coffee in the process.

“Dammit Ritsuko, I know it ‘s you, just stop!”

The woman stopped and slowly turned to Misato, proving in fact to be Dr.

Ritsuko Akagi.

“Hello Misato…”

“Why are you here? I thought Commander Ikari…”

“My imprisonment has been put on an indefinite hold.”


Ritsuko continued walking, Misato close behind.

“Other than the fact that he needed me, it’s none of your business.”

Misato wasn’t surprised by the comment, she had already expected a harsh rebuttal.

“Then can you tell me why one of the spare cages is being prepared?”

Ritsuko handed her a clipboard. Quickly reading through the first page, she was shocked to find out…

“We’re taking on another Eva? But, we don’t even have a pilot for Unit 02 and all our possible candidates have moved out. Who’s suppose to pilot it?”

“Turn the page.”

Misato did as she was instructed. Turning the page she came upon the picture of a boy with short blonde hair and bright green eyes.

“This is him, eh? She eyed the first name. “Who do you say his name?”

“Jonathan. Jonathan Ayamoto. He’s an American, though I believe it’s his father is Japanese…”


Ritsuko stopped and opened the door to her office. She started to walk in.


She stopped.

“It’s good to have you back.”

Grabbing the clipboard, she continued to walk into her office. “I have work to do, Misato.” The door closed, leaving an air of gloom. Sighing, Misato turned and proceeded along her original course to the elevator.

Shinji was all too familiar with the 1st Cranial Nerve section of the hospital. Even when he was just visiting someone, it made him uncomfortable.

Finding Asuka’s room, he opened the door to see Rei standing in front of him.

“Oh! Um…Rei…hi…uh…” As Shinji struggled for something to say, Rei simply stared at him.

“Excuse me.”

Shinji looked up and quickly moved out of the way.

“I…I’m sorry…”

Rei turned and slowly walked past him. He walked outside, the door closing behind him. Slowly, he moved to the bed.


Though her back was turned to him, he could notice she had become more pale and thin since he saw her last. He followed the IV in her hand to see a sac of orange liquid, slowly swaying.

“I..” he stopped, trying to find the right words. “I’m scared of Misato and Rei…help me Asuka…help me…”. he grabbed her, desperately shaking in a futile attempt to wake her up. “Asuka, Asuka…Asuka!” He stopped, his head landing on her arm. “You’re always making fun of me, always calling me an idiot…please, just say something…Asuka!”

Pulling on her one last time, he managed to turn her onto her back, thought mistakenly causing her bed sheet to fall to the floor.

Shinji stood there, staring at the bare chested Asuka in front of him, violently shaking.


Resisting the many urges inside him, he picked up the sheet and covered her up. He bowed his head and shame, spilling out an endless wave of apologies.


Asuka awoke to find herself floating in a dark nothingness.


She turned to see the form of a woman far away.

“Asuka, darling…”

“It’s from Germany, Asuka. I think it’s your mother.”

“Mama!” As she floated towards her mother, Asuka saw that is was not her that she was talking to, but a small doll.

“No…Mama, that’s not me, I’m your daughter, not that stupid doll!”

Her mother ignored her and continued to cradle the doll.

“Your hair’s so pretty, Asuka.”

“Do you pilot Eva only for the praise of others?”

“Mama, please, look at me! MAMA!”

The scene switched to that of a dark hospital room. Asuka stood next to the bed, watching her mother putting her head in a noose.

”Würfel mit mir, Asuka…”

“What? No…Mama, please…”

“Come to heaven with me Asuka…don’t you want to be with me…?”

Asuka slowly walked away from her mother, now looking directly at her.

“Please Asuka, I love you…die with me…”

“No, I don’t want to die!”

“But don’t you love me?”

Asuka, now shaking, fell to her knees.

“Why are you doing this?”

”Würfel mit mir, Asuka…”

“Mama, please…”

“We could be together forever and ever…”


Still a nervous wreck, Shinji heard a large beeping sound. Looking up, he noticed it coming from the heart monitor. Looking to Asuka, he noticed her slowly relaxing.

“Asuka? Asuka!” Shinji ran out the door.

“Someone, please, help! Someone, help!” Turning back to Asuka, a thought started to creep into his mind.

Run…it said. Run away.

No… I mustn’t…run…away…

“I love you, Asuka…”


Walking closer to her mother, the room started to brighten up. She soon saw another figure. As she got closer, she made out the form of herself hanging from a noose in her plug suit, limp, pale. Smiling.



“This isn’t right…it can’t be…”

The hospital room faded, leaving Asuka alone again in the nothingness.

“Die with me…” Her mother’s voice echoed softly through the void.

“No!” cried Asuka.

As Shinji debated with himself, the heart monitor started to subside its chorus of alerts, and Asuka started to move. Faster and faster, her head moved back and forth. Unbeknownst to Shinji, he was moving forward towards Asuka’s bed, strangely mesmerized by the sight, eventually reaching the bed.


“Don’t complain Asuka, that’s not what good girls do…”

“No!” Asuka fell to her knees. “Stop this!”

“Be a good girl Asuka, and die…”

Finally, Asuka got up on her feet. “No…no! I don’t need you! I didn’t need you before and I don’t need you now!”

“Die, Asuka. Die with me…”















“No, dammit! I don’t want to…”


The word echoed throughout the hospital. Asuka sat up, crying and trembling violently. She looked over and saw Shinji standing there in shock.


She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.


"Neon Genesis Evangelion: Revelation" and all characters, terms, and related articles are Copyright
(c)2003 Brandon Springer and SYNAPSE Studios. And duplicaiton is prohibited.
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is copyright (c)2000 GAINAX Co. Ltd. This is a fan fiction and no profit is made from this.
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